Who can participate in the Faith in Action Award?

Young people aged 11 to 19 (still in secondary or higher education) from all faith backgrounds who are willing to reflect on their service action in light of the Catholic faith. Young people with additional needs should also be able to participate with support. The Award Leader is given discretion to decide what is a credit for one person may not be a credit for another (the effort and commitment required for each individual needs to form part of the Award Leader's discernment).

Is the Faith in Action Award for young people in schools or parishes?

The award is run on the basis of a 'home' and 'away' base. Wherever the award is being run from should be considered the 'home' base. 'Away' could be either parish or school, or could just as easily be the scout group that a young person is a member of or a local SVP group etc.

Can school and parishes nominate young people for the Faith in Action Award?

This is an award that requires service hours and reflection to be carried out and can therefore be done by any young person. Schools and parishes can invite young people to participate but it is not an award that requires nomination.

You may be looking for the Faith in Action award given by Million Minutes for which there is a nomination process. Please see http://millionminutes.org/awards/

What evidence is needed to obtain the award?

Award leaders should ask that an adult confirms that the service work has been done by signing the service credits form in the relevant place. Evidence of service is not essential but photos or write ups should form part of the young person's journal or reflection.

Does this mean a school’s R.E. Department will have to change its course?

No. The Faith in Action award is designed to flexible to fit around existing school structures. This award helps facilitate putting faith into action, and will support young people's understanding of their faith, but does not aim to work with any particular RE curriculum. However, it should complement your curriculum.

How much time out of class will pupils need to complete the award?

It is quite likely that at Pin level (often delivered in a primary school) that young people's service hours may take place during class time. However, this is not an expectation of the award, and a school may support the Faith in Action award without giving any time out of class.

Is it a lot of extra work for schools?

One of the principles of the award was to reward service that was already taking place but it would be incorrect to assume that there is no work required of the 'home' base. The workload for 'home' base led by the award leader requires organising a launch meeting, a total of 6 hours guided reflection over a year and a celebration (hopefully connecting with a celebration done annually by the awarding authority). The likely time involved would be 3 hours per half term which includes planning time but we recognise that some organisations would do more.

What is an Awarding Authority?

This is most likely to be a Diocesan Youth Service or Education Team. More details can be found LINK

What is a Participating Organisation?

This is most likely to be a school or parish where the young people's 'home' credits are achieved. More information can be found LINK

What if there are pupils who are active in the life of the school but who do not participate in parish activities?

In this instance the school could be considered the 'home' base, and the pupil may need assistance to recognise where the 'away' base could be. If they are of the Catholic faith, this could be a means of helping them to reconnect with the parish, but the 'away' base could also be a youth club, scout group or in the case of a non Catholic student, the away base could be where they practice their religion – synagogue, mosque etc.