Bronze Level

Home Credits

Away Credits

Examples of Service

Bronze level credits are accrued for independently serving others. Young people can take part in service activities in a group but unlike Pin level, they must show a degree of independence. At Bronze level, young people make choices about what volunteering to do. Bronze level requires commitment and reliability. In addition to the 20 Home credits, 10 Away Credits are required at Bronze level, which evidences a level of independence.



As part of a group, contribute to the delivery of simple reflections/collective worship. E.g. Write a prayer, set up a focal point, and, with support, choose appropriate scripture, liturgical colours and symbols

Visit a care home

Serving at a tea and coffee morning in parish or school

Full and active participation in the Liturgy (reading, serving, welcoming, at Mass)

Playing an active role in a CAFOD Family Fast Day. This could involve publicising the event in the parish, collecting money in a Form class, cooking soup or arranging your family to take part in the Fast Day.

Taking part in Youth SVP activities. E.g. Collecting for local food banks, volunteering at a Soup Kitchen.

Contribute to school/parish/local charity events by speaking about them publicly to an audience, creating a poster, making a PowerPoint presentation etc.

Regularly take part in a school or parish groups e.g. Mass readers, music group, liturgy group, altar servers

Support work in a feeder Primary School or with younger children in the parish e.g. Children's liturgy, reflections and retreat days.