
Jesus taught us the value of regularly taking the time to reflect upon both thoughts and actions. Through meaningful reflection, we can achieve personal and spiritual growth. Throughout their Faith in Action journey, young people should use a journal to record their experiences and feelings during the award year. Just as a guided reflection as a group forms the heart of the Faith in Action Award, it is in the personal reflection that young people really grow in relationship with God. Young people submit their journal on completion of their award along with their final piece of work. Their journal provides both the moderator of the work and the young person with evidence of their spiritual development.

Final Piece of Work

Towards the end of their Faith in Action journey, young people submit a final piece of work which evidences their spiritual journey during the award. As the Faith in Action Award is accessible and inclusive, this final piece does not have to be an essay; we encourage young people to be creative as possible. Examples of the final piece of work could be:

  • Song
  • Written piece (no more than two sides of A4)
  • Artwork
  • Video
  • Presentation
  • Poem
Whatever medium the young person chooses to use for their final piece, it should show their experience, learning reflection and faith. Provided that the participant has engaged properly with the scheme and has been well-led through the reflection points, with a well kept journal, there should be no question of passing or failing. Final pieces of work are moderated, not marked. It is in this moderation that their leaders can provide encouragement to the young person.


It has been so humbling to read through the journals and final pieces of work produced by the young people involved on this scheme. I naively thought it wouldn't take long to read them and comment on each individual, but the more hard work I read about, the more determined I was to dedicate as much effort to providing feedback and encouragement to these young people as they dedicated to putting their Faith Into Action. I hope they feel proud of their achievements and use this to strengthen and deepen their Faith.

Moderation is a special opportunity for young people to receive affirmation and encouragement. The principal role of the moderator is to congratulate those whose work has been submitted and hopefully in so doing encourage them to move on to successive stages of the award. The Moderator will have the privilege to read each young person's journal recording their faith journey through the Award as well as their final piece of work. The Moderator is then asked to give written affirming feedback.

It is envisaged that any shortcomings in the final piece submitted are identified at Participating Organisation level by the Award Leader, who should refer these back to the participant to address before submission for moderation.